XOXO is an experimental festival celebrating independently produced art and technology.
September 11–14, 2014 · The Redd, Portland, Oregon
Saturday — Sunday · Day
Two days of stories from makers who use the Internet to do what they love, discussing the challenges that come from being indie.
And more surprises to come…
Thursday — Sunday · Night
We’ve invited the people behind our favorite projects for four days of play, performances, and parties around Portland.
It’s opening night, so come join us for a drink to christen our new home.
New this year, a night of storytelling and comedy, including Dan Harmon’s Harmontown, John Roderick’s Rendezvous, and the first ever Song Exploder live show.
Play new and work-in-progress games from the best indie videogame designers in our pop-up arcade.
A genre-bending lineup of music at the intersection of art and technology, with Pomplamoose, Mike Doughty, and more.
Screenings of new and upcoming independent film and animation projects, complete with director Q&As.
Gather with fellow attendees to play some of the best of the indie card, board, and RPG game scene with their designers.
New this year, a second night of live music from groundbreaking independent musicians.
Beer and cocktails and hugs and kisses. We miss you already.
In order to register, you’ll complete a short survey about what you do. You can submit any time before Tuesday 1st July, after which time passes will be assigned by random lottery. Read more on our approach to registration.
Access to all events
Everything but the talks
Domainr, Etsy, Hover, MailChimp, Pinterest, Slack, Stripe, Teehan+Lax, Wieden+Kennedy